OCDC has an open board member position! ¡OCDC tiene un puesto vacante de miembro de la Mesa Directiva!


A toddler getting some help walking.

Cultivating our children’s future through early education, advocacy, and family support services.

Welcome to Oregon Child Development Coalition

The Oregon Child Development Coalition (OCDC) is a private, non-profit corporation established in 1971 that operates early childhood education programs in the state of Oregon across 15 counties, serving more than 4,000 children and families, with more than 1,000 employees. At OCDC, we believe that every child should be cared for, educated and loved.

We prepare young children for success in school, which prepares them for success in life. We also support parents to help families learn and grow together, and we help families engage with their community.

What We Do

OCDC provides Early Childhood Care and Education services to children, pregnant women and families. We connect families to programs, services and opportunities in the community. We drive children to school, teach kids to read and write, and visit families in their homes. We provide well-paying living wage jobs in communities throughout Oregon and practice responsiveness.

  1. We prepare children for school by focusing on early childhood care, education and teacher development.
  2. We promote economic opportunities for families and communities by providing services that support the workforce and, in turn, state and local economies.
  3. We partner with the community by collaborating with dentists, doctors, educators, health care providers, emergency food care providers, school districts, employers and state and local service providers and key stakeholders.
  4. We practice responsiveness by welcoming all cultures and languages and enhance their contribution to society by creating better learners and better citizens.

Who We Serve

Migrant & Seasonal Farm Workers

The majority of OCDC’s families are migrant and seasonal farm workers. “Migrant” families travel to follow harvesting seasons; families that stop migrating to work in the fields from permanent home are defined as “seasonal” farm worker families. OCDC’s farm worker families typically live at or below poverty income and are coping with a myriad of challenges, including housing insecurity, hunger, high exposure to pesticides and other pollutants or chemicals, barriers to traditional social services and more.

Low-Income Families

OCDC’s Oregon Prenatal to Kindergarten (OPK), Preschool Promise (PSP), Preschool for All (PFA), and Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships (EHS CCP) programs are not restricted to farm workers; these programs serve the neediest families in the surrounding community. This typically includes families coping with poverty, families experiencing homelessness or other needs. Families with foster children also receive special consideration.

Children with Disabilities and Developmental Delays

OCDC’s classrooms are required to enroll at least 10% of children with identified disabilities or developmental delays. This ensures that children who need early intervention the most can benefit from our teams of specialists and our network of support services. Our classroom teachers are thoughtfully trained to create supportive environments that are responsive to the needs of children with disabilities and developmental delays.

mom and girl


Learn about the programs that OCDC provides children and families.



We have many locations all over the state of Oregon. Find the one nearest you.

kids on bus

Interest Form

If you want to start the application process or get more information, fill out the interest form today!

girl with ball


Your gift can do so much for a young child who deserve a healthy, safe and happy childhood.

Our Numbers

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Meals Served

Kids playing with large bubbles.

Your gift can do so much for a young child.

It can buy a healthy meal, a safe car seat or a crib, classroom art supplies, books and so much more.