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Safe Kids Oregon

Safe Kids Oregon is the Oregon coalition of Safe Kids Worldwide, a nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries. Launched in 1995, Safe Kids Oregon focuses on one specific problem: More children ages 19 and under die from unintentional injuries (motor vehicle crashes, fires, drowning, and other causes) than from any other cause.

What We Do

Safe Kids Oregon promotes positive changes in attitudes, behaviors, and the environment. Our statewide network provides injury prevention information, safety devices, activities, and events to empower local communities to prevent childhood injury. We bring together health and safety experts, corporations, foundations, governments, parents, and community volunteers to educate and protect children and their families. It takes a multi-faceted campaign (grassroots outreach, education, media, and public policy efforts) to reach thousands of children and their families with life-saving interventions.

Safe Kids Injury Risk Areas

  • Motor vehicle occupant safety
  • Drowning prevention and water safety
  • Fire and burns prevention
  • Bicycle/wheeled sports safety and helmet protection
  • Falls prevention
  • Poison prevention
  • Suffocation prevention
  • ATV injury prevention


Drowning Prevention Resources

National Resources

Oregon State Resources

Statewide Child Safety Resources

National Child Safety Resources

Contact Us

Safe Kids Oregon

State Coordinator: Karen Ayers
karen.ayers@ocdc.net, (503) 913-0157

Oregon’s Safe Kids Coalitions

Oregon currently has four local coalitions. Contact the coalition nearest you to learn how they can help support injury prevention in your area. If you are interested in establishing a local coalition, please contact the State Coordinator to learn more.

Safe Kids Portland Metro

Coalition Coordinator: Lucie Drum
lucie.drum@amr.net, 503-736-3479

Safe Kids Columbia Gorge

Coalition Coordinator: Michael Holloran
michael.holloran@osp.oregon.gov, (541) 980-1019

Safe Kids Washington County

Coalition Coordinator: Kassie Keller
kassondra.keller@hillsboro-oregon.gov, 503-681-6273

Safe Kids West Oregon

Coalition Coordinator: Jim Cole
jcole3@peacehealth.org, (541)-222-1787