OCDC has an open board member position! ¡OCDC tiene un puesto vacante de miembro de la Mesa Directiva!

Reports & Financials

Annual Reports

Want to learn more about what we’ve been up to this past year? Take a look at our Annual Reports below.

Migrant and Seasonal Head Start & Early Head Start Annual Reports:

Region X & Oregon Prenatal to Kindergarten Annual Reports:

Community Assessments

Every five years, the Oregon Child Development Coalition conducts a comprehensive, statewide community needs assessment. Information is gathered from both primary and secondary sources, analyzed, and then reported out to our stakeholders and the general public in the form of a narrative style report.


As a non-profit agency, we must use financial resources thoughtfully to assist the neediest members of the communities we serve. We work hard to maximize our impact and cost-effectiveness, because our donors and funders are investing in our mission and our results. We take pride in our hard work and in the transparency and accountability built in to our financial operations.


Independent Auditors Report