OCDC has an open board member position! ¡OCDC tiene un puesto vacante de miembro de la Mesa Directiva!

Together, We Can Prevent Infant Death

Each year 4,000 infants die suddenly and unexpectedly in the U.S. More than half of these deaths are due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, commonly known as SIDS.

Recent research from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that most infant deaths happen in a bed-sharing situation: close to 74 percent of deaths in babies younger than four months, and 60 percent of deaths in babies four months to a year old.

The Oregon Child Development Coalition is leading a statewide initiative to increase safe infant sleep.  To do this, we, provide education to families, staff, and the greater community while providing safe sleep resources to families in need.

In early 2014, OCDC became the first Cribs for Kids® partner in Oregon, and receives Graco® portable cribs at a reduced rate. In only four months, OCDC has provided more than 100 cribs to families who otherwise would go without.

OCDC is searching for additional funding from private donors to pay for more cribs; OCDC is also encouraging other agencies and institutions to become a partner with Cribs for Kids®.  With the support from donors and partners statewide, we can do more.

To keep our babies safe, we as parents need to put our babies to sleep in a crib with a tight fitting mattress, on his or her back, with no sheets, blankets, or stuffed animals.

To learn about becoming a partner with Cribs for Kids® please visit: www.cribsforkids.org

To support to OCDC’s Safe Sleep Resources Program please email: safesleep@ocdc.net